Welcome to Z Bar Hanger By Carina

46" Z-Bar Hanger Mirror and Picture Hanging System,Hangm

46" Z-Bar Hanger Mirror and Picture Hanging System,Hangm
46" Z-Bar Hanger Mirror and Picture Hanging System,Hangm
Item# zhangm46
$30.50, 10/$260.00, 100/$1,975.00
Availability: Usually ships the next business day


one pair set

WITH HOLES EVERY 1" SIZE 46" X 1 1/4" X 1/8" FOR INSTALLATION OF YOUR ITEM YOU NEED TO ORDER PAIR OF ZBAR. Designed to Hang Large, Over-sized and Heavy Objects. Great Commercial and Residential Applications: WEIGHTED MIRRORS , OVER-SIZED ARTWORK,HEADBOARDS,SECURITY AND SAFETY , HANGS TIGHTLY TO WALL,MANTEL ,HOTEL/SECURITY INSTALLATION , RESTAURANTS , SENIOR & MEDICAL BUILDINGS ,CORPORATE OFFICES,WOOD CORNICES,DRAPERY BOX,BLINDS BOX,PANELS,FLAT SCREEN TV,MIRROR OVER BED AND... 100% Extruded Aluminum with Pre- drilled Holes Every 1" for Easy Stud Positioning Easy to Place! Easy to Remove! Perfectly Secure! Cuts to Size With Hand or Power Saw.


Complete Package Screws for Zbar Hangers.
Package of 10 of 3/4" screws for frame and 10 of 3" stud screws

plus 10 Anchors
Regular price: $7.75
Sale price: $5.75
Availability: Usually ships the next business day
Complete Package Screws for Zbar Hangers. Cscrzbar